Over the course of our existence we have carried out hundreds of courses. Majority of the courses were carried out as a part of managerial consultation. The courses are tailored to our customers needs matching the business requirement exactly.
Out of all the offered courses below we hope you find inspiration matching your own need. Should you find any interest there, we will be happy to go through any particular course in detail to see what is there for you. In case none of the courses covers your expectation, please contact us and we will do our best to make you an individual offer.
The course is intended for those candidates who wish to find a way to streamline company processes, to make production simpler, faster, cheaper and add value by using the industrial engineering methodology.
Basic topics: Waste elimination, methods: 5S, SMED, KAIZEN, POKA YOKE etc., what tools to choose and how to start
The course is intended for those candidates who wish to clarify views towards processes and efficiency of their execution in the key segments of company functioning
Basic topics: Lean company, lean production, lean logistics, lean administration, lean development
The course is intended for those candidates who wish to gain insights into basic techniques and tools of the lean production philosophy
Basic topics: Overview of Lean tools - 5S, TPM, SMED…; how to start using the tools from LEAN Toolbox; what tool to select for a particular problem area?; How to start?
The course is intended for those candidates who wish to master techniques and procedures to create a lean work environment.
Basic topics: 5S – implementation procedure in a work environment, Value Stream Mapping (VSM) – value flow mapping, analysis and performance measurement, visualisation at a workplace.
The course is intended for those candidates who wish to clarify how to calculate total equipment efficiency and thus provide for a regular monitoring, following trends and continuous production efficiency improvement.
Basic topics: Terminology, loss category, OEE calculation, OEE calculation example, companies performance comparison
The course is intended for those candidates who wish to learn how to describe and numerically summarise the current state of the workplace, thus provide for evaluation and select the most suitable tools and methodology to streamline processes. Comparing methodologies MOST, REFA and so on.
Basic topics: Waste mapping, Process analysis, a Workday snapshot, MOST methodology training, practical demonstration
The course is intended for those candidates who wish to master techniques and methodology for reduction of loss-making time slots caused by adjustment of machinery for alternative product production
Basic topics: SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies) - introduction, methodology and implementation example, experience sharing
The course is intended for those candidates who wish to enhance the use of machinery by elimination of disruption, preventing low quality production and all other losses linked to such equipment.
Basic topics: TPM Principles - 8 pillars, preventive and predictive maintenance, prevention maintenance in the stage of machine construction, autonomous maintenance
The course is intended for candidates who realise that nowadays company's survival is defined by the level of process synchronisation, lean logistics and ability to adapt to fast changes in product matching customers expectations.
Basic topics: OPF (One Piece Flow), Heijunka – smoothing of production, production synchronisation, smooth flow, PULL (Kanban) systems
The course is intended for those candidates who wish to master the principles of continuous process and activity improvement in its individual and group form
Basic topics: Continuous improvement (Kaizen), Individual improvement - improvement proposal system, Group improvement, Project approach (DMAIC), resources for DMAIC phases
The course is intended for candidates who wish to clarify basic principles of products innovation
Basic topics: Why product innovation?; Know-how for innovation, innovation principles, subjects and objects of product innovation, a product innovation case study
The course is intended for candidates who wish to clarify basic principles of a business model innovation
Basic topics: Changes, consequences and problems of nowadays companies; Subjects and subject matter of innovation, innovation requirements and its benefits, Business model innovation in space and time; How to innovate a business model?
The course is intended for candidates who wish to clarify basic principles of savings definition during product and services innovation
Basic topics: Subjects in product and services cost reduction; Subject of product innovation for savings; Requirements to reduce costs in products and services innovation; Benefits from product and services cost reduction ; Cost reduction of a product by innovation in space; Cost reduction of a product in time perspective; Means to reduce cost in product innovation; Means to propose new solutions
The course targets those candidates who wish to clarify basic principles of savings definition during process innovation.
Basic topics: Why to innovate processes?; What is a process and process innovation?; Process innovation requirements; Where should be a process innovated? When should be a process innovated - timeframe ; How should be processes innovated - basic principles; Value stream mapping; Approach using a Waste Map; Root cause analysis and performance measurement; Ergonomic method; Lean production islands and a single article flow: SMED method
The course targets managers, company owners, leading staff, specialists, successors, technicians training for leading positions and all employees who participate in strategy creation, its review and implementation.
Basic topics: When and why to create and review strategy? What leads the companies towards the creation and strategy review, what is the objective? Competitive advantage, key company skills - the roots of competitive advantage. Importance of company identification.
The course targets managers, company owners, leading staff, specialists, successors, technicians training for leading positions and all employees who participate in strategy creation, its review and implementation.
Basic topics: Why is it so important to know "who I am and where I am?"; Financial statements - how to read them and what to pay attention to ; Definition and characteristics of basic business sectors ; External business environment development - a decisive factor for strategy success ; Analysis of competition potential and strategy; Scenarios for evolution of external business environment - basic concepts ; Sources for strategy and business models creation ; Strategy options and business models; Business model, its structure and approach towards its creation
The course targets process engineers, managers, company owners, leading staff, specialists, successors, technicians training for leading positions and all employees who participate in strategy implementation and process improvement.
Basic topics: Company's process perspective ; Focus on added value for customers - what are the customers' expectations; Process management challenges - what approach makes sense; Goals and ambition to change - encouragement to develop the key skills set; Principles of process management - 10 process commandments; Processes structure; What is a process?; Which processes do we need; How to describe process in a simple way
The course targets process engineers, managers, company owners, leading staff, specialists, successors, technicians training for leading positions and all employees who participate in strategy implementation and process improvement.
Basic topics: Principles of process performance measurement ; How to measure process performance; Innovation and process improvement ; Inspiration to improve - benchmarking; The root cause analysis for low process performance; Basic attitude towards process innovation; Process performance management systems; Principles of performance oriented company culture ; Basic components of the process performance management
The course targets top and middle management, process engineers, leading staff, company owners, specialists, successors, technicians in training for leading positions and all employees involved in the strategy implementation, process improvement and forming and execution of management information system.
Basic topics: Principles of process performance measurement ; How to measure process performance; Costs; Quality; Time; How to select criteria correctly?; Criteria examples in case of various processes; The root cause analysis for low process performance; Basic attitude towards process innovation; Process performance management systems; The key role of the owners of the process; Principles of performance oriented company culture
The course targets top and middle management, process engineers, leading staff, company owners, specialists, successors, technicians in training for leading positions and all employees involved in the strategy implementation, process improvement and forming and execution of management information system.
Basic topics: Balance sheet, income statement and cash-flow – a source of economic-financial information about a company; Balance sheet; Income statement; Cash Flow; Reporting; Goals and forms; Kinds of reporting; Controlling in a company and reporting relation to controlling; Cost control; Controlling in the economical information system of a company; Management income statements; How to create a management income statement
Did you not choose from the range of our courses offered? Ask us to get a quote for a course to fit your needs.
Tel.: | +420 702 077 607 |
E-mail: | info@i2m.cz |
Company ID: 61504807
VAT number: CZ61504807
Business registry: Regional court in Ostrava, section C, number 54911